A Huge Return on Your Charitable Investment
“Atideinu gives the biggest bang for your buck. It’s a win-win for everyone involved. Has an impact on family, friends, class, and Rebbe. Life-changing for kids. Atideinu is stepping into the breach.”
Jeff Zuckerman, donor
According to a 2015 Columbia University study, for every dollar spent on social and emotional learning, schools are saving $11 on remedial programs and interventions.
Is Atideinu a Research-Based Program?
Twenty years of national research has proven that students who receive focused instruction in Atideinu’s five core social and emotional competencies have
- Better academic outcomes
- Better overall behavior
- Increased ability to manage stress and depression
- Better attitudes about themselves, others and school
Research also shows that the impact of social and emotional learning is long term, setting students up for reduced at-risk behavior and success over their lifetime.
Studies are conclusive.
SEL competence is linked to student gains. Read more.
SEL competence predicts long-term student success. Read more.
Employers value SEL. Read more.

Where can I find Atideinu near me?
Located in Cleveland, Atideinu is currently the only program of its kind that melds timeless Torah values with current social and emotional learning strategies.
Why should I support social and emotional learning in my community?
Your contribution to Atideinu:
- Bolsters Jewish continuity
- Improves workforce readiness
- Empowers tomorrow’s leaders
How? By unlocking the potential of young people to:
- Build healthy families
- Forge successful careers
- Contribute positively to the our community
This program is an amazing asset to the children it serves, the schools these kids go to, the families they are part of, and to the future of our Jewish community.
Daniel Solganik, LISW-S, and Atideinu Team Leader
Atideinu is a community gem. We are extraordinarily fortunate to have such a resource in Cleveland.
A parent
Such an amazing program that should be available to everyone.
A parent
This is the program every community needs for its children. The kids love it, they learn so much from it, and they’re going to be more successful adults because of it.
Ezzie Goldish, a parent
Visit Us
We love visitors and we’d love to show you around. Contact us to arrange a visit, live, or online.
What middos or character traits does Atideinu help foster?
Atideinu is galvanizing youngsters with focused instruction to groom social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Parents report a noticeable improvement in:
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Consideration
- Critical Thinking
- Leadership
- Participation
- Patience
- Perseverance
- Problem Solving
- Resilience
- Resourcefulness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Self Advocacy
- Self Awareness
- Self Management
- Social Awareness
- Taking Initiative