Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe Chanukah is already behind us! We hope you and your family had a wonderful Chanukah and we are excited to delve into Teves with our new monthly themes and awesome activities. Before we begin another uninterrupted month of Atideinu, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve gained in Kislev.
The month started off with our breakout and Kiddush Hashem jars. As the group sat in the dark waving their glowsticks, we began to explore what is means to be “a light unto the nations.” We later made suncatchers to reflect this theme as well! We also learned the proper meaning of a “Kiddush Hashem,” and processed that any time we do something that would make Hashem proud, from proper hygiene to avoiding an argument, we are being Mekadesh Sheim Shamayin. To assist with creating awareness of the unlimited opportunities we have (daily!) to make a Kiddush Hashem, the kids brought home dozens of paper flames to record their many Kiddushei Hashem throughout the month. As they brought their full jars back after Chanukah vacation, they redeemed each flame for a middos dollar which they were able to then use at the Rosh Chodesh store!
Our next few activities focused on the importance of self-respect in all areas: the way we physically present ourselves, the way we interact with others, and the way we view ourselves overall. The children decorated and filled their very own hygiene bags as we learned about the importance of proper hygiene and cleanliness. Next, we explored the concept of “presentation versus content,” and the kids began to recognize that more often than not, it is not about what we say or do, it’s about HOW we say it or do it. To help inculcate this vital life lesson, the girls split into groups and were given a scenario to act out. One group was tasked with acting it out appropriately, with manners and respect, and the other group was challenged to act it out “inappropriately,” without much thought or respect. The girls laughed as they watched the skits and began to realize that not only were the skits presented differently, the outcome of the skits was different as well – solely because they were presented differently.
As the month approached Chanukah, the kids made super-cool spinning dreidel cards! While the activity took a lot of effort and time, the cards came out amazing and the girls were really proud.
Last but not least, we had our Chanukah party! The girls had a great time as we ate doughnuts, latkas, chocolate coins and played many games! While we missed the kids over Chanukah, it was a great last activity to have prior to a two-week break.
It is that time of year again! As we approach January, Devorah will be getting in contact with each parent to set up a touch base session with either Tova (our clinical lead) or myself. Please look out for an email/phone call/text from her.
Have a wonderful month ahead and I look forward to our upcoming meetings!
Chana Perel Handler
Director, Atideinu