Atideinu is no longer in operation. This site is for archival purposes only!

Dear Parents,

We are so excited that Purim is just around the corner! We had a blast today at our Purim party and hope the children will enjoy their delicious Mishloach Manos from Atideinu staff (special thank you to our Program Director, Shira Schwarzmer, for putting them together). As we move along through Adar, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve gained over the past few months.


Our themes for Teves involved standing strong as a Jewish Nation in a primarily secular world, and developing a strong and healthy sense of individual identity. We had a lot of discussions about the importance of being a strong person who does not break under pressure and how Hashem created us all with a unique set of strengths. We explored the necessity of being aware of our individual strengths, as they are what help us work through our weaknesses and overcome our struggles. We also learned how each of us have a responsibility to use our unique strengths to help Klal Yisroel in whatever ways we can.

The kids had a great time making their identity projects, where they used clothespins to attach their many individual strengths that they will one day, IYH, use to help Klal Yisroel. The girls had so much fun during our boat building activity!! Using a variety of crafts provided (popsicle sticks, alligator clips, cups, masking tape, etc), the children were tasked with making a boat that can float without tipping or sinking as they dropped in one penny at a time. Our winners built a boat that was able to hold over 100 pennies before it tipped over! The group explored the parallel to life; being able to stay strong and not “tip over,” during stressful times and crises.


Next came Shevat with Tu B’shevat and some brand-new themes! Our themes for Shevat involved appreciating the beautiful world Hashem created for us (Mah Rabu Ma’asechah Hashem), the concept of internal and external resources, and the value of both feeling appreciation and expressing it to others.

The children created beautiful magnetic appreciation boards and identified many aspects of their lives that they appreciate. We learned the idea of happiness being a mindset rather than a set of circumstances and how our levels of gratitude directly correlate to our happiness. Another activity in Shevat involved the children putting on “resources skits.”

The kids were provided with several random items (stress balls, art supplies, books, etc), and needed to put on a skit involving all the items they were given. We explored the concept of Hashem giving us all the resources we need to get through our challenges, and effective methods to find them and use them appropriately.


It’s hard to believe that we are already in Adar! Some of our themes for Adar are: Simchas Hachayim, the importance of having a leader (as we learn from Mordechai Hatzadik), and the value and importance of empathy and true Gemilas Chasadim. We were delighted to have Mr. Yitzchok Yaakov Neuman perform a live show for us for our breakout! The kids had a great time dancing along to the music and songs.

On Monday, we did an active listening activity where the kids had to follow line by line a drawing that the leaders described using only their words. The kids’ drawings all came out almost identical, prompting us to explore the inherent value of listening for the sake of listening, versus listening with the intend to respond. With Purim coming up so soon, we’ve already had our Purim Chagiga, and made Mishloach Manos. We have a lot more in store when we resume next week!

Thank You

I want to end off with a thank you to everyone for attending my “touch base” sessions in January. I feel so fortunate to have been able to meet with at least one parent for each child. It was SO great to have an opportunity to explore in detail the strengths and greatness of each of your children! A special thank you to the families where both parents came. We genuinely value communication with parents and appreciate emails, drop ins, calls, texts, etc. Please note – my email address has changed and is now: director at atideinu dot org. We wish you a wonderful Purim and Pesach!

Chana Perel Handler
Director, Atideinu