Atideinu explores a spiritual theme and a self-development theme each month.
Our three-year curriculum includes:
- Sequenced, connected and coordinated activities to foster skill development
- Fun, active learning to support the adoption of new skills and attitudes
- Intentional focus on developing specific social and emotional skills

Elul & Tishrei
Spiritual theme:
- G-d as our Father who has unconditional love for us
- Appreciating the gift of repentance and forgiveness
Self-development theme:
- Internal resilience
- Self-awareness – being aware of our strengths and struggles
- Growing and learning from mistakes vs. rationalizing or denying them

Spiritual theme:
- Believing in G-d when things are gray
Self-development theme:
- Developing an internal locus of control
- We are responsible for our own happiness
- Life is 10% what happens to us & 90% how we react to it
- Using challenges to grow stronger
- Staying hopeful when confused or scared

Spiritual theme:
- Being a light unto the nations
Self-development theme:
- Self-respect
- Manners
- Interacting with others
- Presentation v. content
- Presenting ourselves appropriately
- Hygiene, cleanliness

Spiritual theme:
- Staying strong in our identity in a secular world
- Building a sanctuary for G-d within ourselves
Self-development theme:
- Self-identity
- Identifying how our strengths help us work through challenges
- Feeling secure and comfortable with ourselves

Spiritual theme:
- Appreciating the natural beauty of our world
Self-development theme:
- Expressing appreciation and using our support systems
- Value of experiencing & showing gratitude
- Identifying internal & external resources
- Mindfulness

Spiritual theme:
- Recognizing that G-d wants us to be happy
Self-development theme:
- Developing kindness & empathy
- “I” statements and feeling words
- Value of listening & relating to others
- Understanding & overcoming the conflict cycle

Spiritual theme:
- Becoming a nation
- The Exodus from Egypt
- Being part of a strong community
Self-development theme:
- Building healthy relationships, with appropriate boundaries
- Social appropriateness & awareness of our surroundings

Spiritual theme:
- Developing a growth mindset
- Setting and reaching new goals
- Moving away from enslavement and working toward true freedom
- Delaying gratification
Self-development theme:
- Standing up to peer pressure
- Self-advocacy
- Having & being a leader
- Not allowing others or our surroundings bring us down

Spiritual theme:
- How the Torah meets the individual needs of every person
- Individual & communal responsibility
- Striving to be the best version of ourselves
Self-development theme:
- Perspective-taking
- Celebrating our differences
- Embracing opportunity when it presents
The full curriculum can be tailored to a variety of individual programs. Contact us for consultation and pricing.