Our new name is Atideinu
Endorsements from across the community rave about Atideinu, now known as “Atideinu.” Same great program. Same great staff.
Atideinu is empowering children with self-confidence, self-respect, leadership skills, life-skills, resilience, coping, sense of belonging, joy for Judaism, openness, concern, life skills, emotional stability.
A community member
What Parents Say
Atideinu is such an important program, and it has helped … my girls grow in incredible ways, from self-awareness to leadership to interacting with others.
Ezzie Goldish
We love the support Atideinu gives our kids and us as parents. Seeing your struggling child suddenly shine is miraculous.
Channa Schulgasser
We wish we could go (to Atideinu) and learn all the tools our nephew gets to learn!!
Tova Benzaquen, a participant’s aunt
Atideinu will be a positive memory and our child will use all the skills learned there to navigate life’s difficulties ahead. We couldn’t have asked for a better program.
Our son loves coming. We appreciate all the staff does to help him be the best he can be.
Improved in self-advocacy. Instead of being physical and frustrated, he will say, ‘This is bothering me.’
Over the course of this year, our son has grown by leaps and bounds. His ability to relate to others, his self-confidence, and his ability to navigate frustrating circumstances have all improved significantly. He finds happiness in his success and accomplishments. Thank you for giving him the tools he needed to navigate the ups and downs of life.
I see every day and every contact his behavior, his actions, and how he resolves small problems – a tremendous improvement. He’s able to resolve problems quickly and positively. He loves this!
Our son has flourished tremendously this year, particularly as it relates to: effective communication, ability to manage disappointment, ability to identify and engage in effective coping skills, resilience, ability to express self effectively, and overall increase in self-advocacy.
This is like seeing a child with medication without medication. Grades (were) 60-70 and now he gets over 100%. Volunteered for the choir – something he has never done before. He brings home homework now on his own consistently. He says divrei Torah clearly with better delivery. Immeasurable increase in self-image.
A warm, positive environment that celebrates the intrinsic value and fosters leadership and confidence!
Jordan Gross-Richmond
Our son has grown so much in the two years he has been here and his confidence, self-image, and leadership skills have increased exponentially.
Continue what you are doing because he gets his love for Judaism here. At school, he struggles. Here learning about Yiddishkeit is pleasant for him and that is really important to us.
Life skills, social skills, and Yiddishkeit are infused into every minute of her time at Atideinu and it absolutely shows.
Zahava Giffin
Since (my son) has started with Atideinu, he has displayed an overwhelming excitement working on projects, interacting with other people and adults, and has increased energy and enthusiasm with Yiddishkeit.
Shavi Solowitch
Our son enjoys the program and looks forward to coming every week. I have seen tremendous growth in maturity, academic ability, and life skills. Teachers and intervention specialists have noticed significant improvement.
[My child] was so excited that there was no school and then said, ‘Oh no! What about Atideinu?’ [My child] would rather have school and Atideinu than a snow day!
Our daughter is so happy and feels accomplished in Atideinu.
Our son is always happy when he comes home from Atideinu and always says he had a good time – which is a huge compliment coming from him 🙂
It’s the highlight of her week. She loves everything about it.
Chaya Modes
The program is run by exceptionally talented professionals.
Atideinu’s program is extremely supportive and educational for the children. I like the fact that they are directed to improve their skills in a focused, yet non-threatening way. It is clearly a well-prepared and professionally staffed organization. Thank you so much!
Our Current Students
The most important thing I’ve learned is to care about other people, not just yourself.
Yizy Silver
I feel happy that I’m here.
We learn life skills like not giving up and working hard.
I learned the importance of knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are.
Atideinu taught me the importance of self-control and self-esteem and I’m a more relaxed and happy person.
Sara Israeli
Praise from Alumni
Atideinu has taught me to be patient, kind, responsible, mindful, resilient and so much more. I’ve worked through so many tough situations with the skills I learned at Atideinu.
Taly Landis
I was in Atideinu for 4 years. I learned so much about how to be a good friend, having good middos, and how to be a leader. I am able to continue Atideinu today by being a team leader and I am part of the Alumni program.
Danny Firestone
I still use the skills, and I still find myself relying on the things we learned. The project I remember the most was what we did with the cloud and the sun for the month of Cheshvan, where one side it was a cloud and one side was a sun. I literally think of that every time I’m in a bad situation; it’s all about the perspective.
Elisheva Chafetz
I always looked forward to coming to Atideinu because it was a place where I could … have fun while learning new things and participating in cool activities. With any Jewish background you can feel welcomed and enjoy the program. Atideinu…was a great way for me to be and feel connected.
Atideinu has changed my life so much. I’ve learned and grown more than I thought was possible.
Dassi Gross
From school administrators and teachers
Now that we see what Atideinu is doing for our boys, we see that everyone can benefit from participating in this amazing, innovative program.
Rabbi Asher Newman, Principal, Yeshiva Ketana, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Anything that needs to be accomplished on Atideinu days is done in a positive frame of mind. Atideinu has given children a place and time to feel secure and not judged, and also a sense of belonging.
Mrs. Zviya Morgenstern, Principal, Girls’ Elementary, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah
It always amazes me that within a mere few months in the program, the children begin to flourish. Their inhibitions decrease and their confidence grows. It is not unusual for this to translate into an increase in social functioning along with a more productive and effective classroom experience.
Tehillah Stelzer, Principal, General Studies, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
The program has had a profoundly positive effect on my students that attend.
Selma Hellman, teacher, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Endorsements from the Community
Atideinu is unique in its role as a proactive organization. As someone who sees daily the stresses which families face when there are financial, emotional, or behavioral limitations, we support the work of Atideinu in molding the children of these families towards a better future.
Meira Friedman, Manager, Cleveland Chesed Center
(Atideinu) has strengthened the children’s mental health and has decreased their risk for the need for potential intervention in their future. This is truly groundbreaking work.
Dassi Shtern, Director of Special Education and SEGULA, Jewish Education Center of Cleveland
I have watched Atideinu grow from the beginning into a vital resource for so many of our families. Atideinu provides our youth with warmth, guidance and most importantly, a sense of purpose. Children learn real-life skills.
Chaim N. Ellis, MSW, LISW-S
Within a mere few months in the program, the children begin to flourish. Their inhibitions decrease and their confidence grows. It is not unusual for this to translate into an increase in social functioning along with a more productive and effective classroom experience.
Tehillah Stelzer, Principal of General Studies, Girls Elementary, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Atideinu imbues its participants with many protective factors and skills that directly deter a wide range of potential issues and prevent potential mental health impairment. Atideinu created a revolutionary structured and evidenced-based social-emotional program that teaches children self-awareness, communication, effective problem-solving, and personal and communal responsibility. Atideinu’s graduates are confident and capable young adults who believe in themselves and their purpose.
Chaim Hellman, Executive Director, Naaleh (a mental health referral agency)