Atideinu is no longer in operation. This site is for archival purposes only!

September 29, 2019
Dear Parents,

Shana Tova! It’s hard to believe that the first month of Atideinu has come and gone and we are already heading into the Yom Tov season! We feel grateful to have gotten off to such a solid start and are excited to share with you all of the fun things that we have done these past few weeks.

The year started off with the children decorating “All About Me,” figures that are hanging in the lobby. Each child wrote their name, birthday and something that they are good at. Next time you come in, check them out! The children went home with their very own dry erase boards on the first day, as we explored what an amazing gift teshuva is and the importance of maximizing this month.

We continued the month by defining and exploring the importance of self-awareness. The group processed how it is important to be aware of our strengths, even more than our struggles because we need to use our strengths to work through our struggles! We played the “label game” where each partner had a different character trait taped on their back and had to act out or explain what the trait was without saying the actual trait. The group explored the various meanings of these character traits as we learned the fundamental importance of self-awareness and how to develop it.

As the month went on, we continued to explore our themes of internal resilience and the value of growing and learning from mistakes, rather than rationalizing and denying them. We played a human-size game of memory in which each match either had a quote related to growing from mistakes, or an image of a person making a mistake that the kids had to explain. We then went around in a circle and each of us shared a story involving lesson that we ourselves learned from a personal mistake!

We played a game called “Know Your Partner” in an attempt to impart Hashem’s commitment and devotion to us. The children divided into partners for five minutes and were tasked with the mission of getting to know each other as well as possible in those five minutes. They were then brought back together and each asked, “Would your partner rather…” with a number of different scenarios. The group processed the limited amount that you can get to know someone in five minutes, and how Hashem is with us all the time and always knows what is best for us!

We ended the month with a RH and Succos decoration to get into the Yom Tov spirit. We are looking forward to our last day with the boys and girls this Thursday and next Monday until after Succos! As a reminder, we now have a Facebook and Instagram account and post photos and videos from our activities daily. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to get a close-up view of Atideinu! Please send us an email at if you would like us to tag your child in our posts.

I wish you and your family a k’siva v’chasima tova and a wonderful year ahead.


Chana P. Handler
Director, Atideinu